Air Quality Prediction



Project Overview Link to heading

The project aims to develop an air quality predictor using machine learning techniques. It utilizes a workflow depicted in the image “aqp_workflow.png” located in the “images” directory. The repository contains various documents and scripts that are essential for the project.

The project overview includes the following key components:

  • Data Collection: The project involves gathering air quality data from multiple sources, such as sensors, weather stations, and government databases.

  • Data Preprocessing&Backfilling: The collected data is preprocessed to handle missing values, outliers, and other data quality issues. Additionally, historical data is backfilled to ensure a complete dataset for model training.

  • FTI Pipeline:

    • Feature Pipeline: The feature pipeline extracts relevant features from the preprocessed data and transforms them into a format suitable for model training.

    • Model Training: The project trains a machine learning model using the processed data to predict air quality levels based on historical data.

    • Batch Inference: The trained model is used to make predictions on new data, providing insights into future air quality levels.

Project Structure Link to heading

│   .env
│   .gitignore
│   hopsworks-api-key.txt
│   requirements.txt
│   └───workflows
│           air-quality-daily.yaml
│       abuja-air-quality.csv
│   │   index.html
│   │   
│   └───air-quality
│       └───assets
│           └───img
│                   pm25_forecast.png
│                   pm25_hindcast_1day.png
│       aqp_workflow.png
│       pm25 forecast.png
    │   .cache.sqlite
    │   air_quality_batch_inference.ipynb
    │   air_quality_feature_backfill.ipynb
    │   air_quality_feature_pipeline.ipynb
    │   air_quality_training_pipeline.ipynb
    │       model.json

Live Demo Link to heading